Profile of Tigri slum for social work intervention

Introduction In this article the profile of Tigri slum community is presented. Information about the community was collected by personal observation, primary sources as well as secondary sources of information is also included which consists of survey reports, records at local government as well as census data.  A comprehensive data  is not available for slums … Read more

Defining slums: A Review of Literature

  Introduction As the population of India is increasing at a large scale and at a very fast pace and the opportunity for employment is mainly concentrated in the urban areas , people from the rural areas are migrating on a large scale to urban areas; most of the times settling in squatter settlements or … Read more

Need Assessment of Delhi slums

In order to design social work intervention prior evidence based information about the issues of a community is crucial for best outcome. Delhi is dominated by large number of slums and their study can provide ample evidence to plan intervention. Spread of slums in Delhi : JJ (jhuggi jhopri) clusters are scattered all over the … Read more

Understanding slums for social work practice

In present times slums have become  a common phenomena associated with city life ,  especially the metropolitan cities. The challenge of slums : Global report on Human settlements, 2003 presents that   in 2001 , 924 million people or 31.6 percent  of the world’s urban population, lived in slums  and  554 million or  60 percent … Read more

Social work education through distance mode in India:  opportunities and challenges 

Introduction With the advancement in technology there has been a paradigm shift in the mode of imparting education especially post secondary education.The flexibility of the system  and the rapid advancement of technology has contributed to the recognition  of ODL as an effective means of education. Though the technological availability to impart distance learning varies from … Read more