Culture and Socialization

Culture represents the thought processes, beliefs, customs, traditions etc.of a particular society. Culture and society are different as society is the organisation and structure of a geographical area whereas culture represents the beliefs and  behavioural patterns  of people. The value system and beliefs are central to any culture. Besides, culture consists of various components … Read more

Society, social groups and social stratification

Introduction Any society comprises of several components which keeps it going. In other words a society is a system which has several sub-systems, viz, community, social groups, social stratification, institutions etc. In the following section we will understand each of these in detail. Society Society has been studied by various scholars and has been defined … Read more

Types of Research Design in social work

Introduction Research design is the blueprint of the research which is to be carried out. In simple words it is the structure of the systematic process to be followed. The design of the study depends upon the type of information the researcher is seeking. It varies according to the type of question the researcher wants … Read more

Social work in the area of mental health

Introduction In order to understand the scope of social work intervention in mental health sector, first let us look into what is mental health. “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely absense of a disease or infirmity” (WHO). “Mental health is a state of well-being in which an … Read more

Inductive and Deductive Research Approach

In social work research or research in any other social sciences, the researcher follows two approaches towards a study, i.e, Inductive & Deductive. Inductive Approach In simple terms when the researcher has to move from general to specific, this approach is applied. Let us try to understand this with an example. Example 1 A researcher … Read more

Networking in Social Work

Introduction In today’s era networking in social work has become an essential aspect. The historical development of social work shows that the methods to deal with the social problems evolved according to the nature of the problems as well as the levels of services delivery viz. micro, mezzo and  macro. The earliest methods were case … Read more

Learning Theories

Introduction Psychologists have always been interested in knowing the process of how an individual learns. They have conducted experiments and tried to understand the process and propounded various theories. There are 3 basic theories of learning which are discussed as follows: Classical conditioning This theory was propounded by a Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov conducted … Read more

Erikson’s 8 stages of psychosocial development

Introduction Psychologists like Erik  Erikson believed that the personality of an individual is shaped by the social environment in which it grows. As a result Psychosocial theory of personality was propounded and supported by psychologists who disagreed with the psychoanalytical school of thought. Erikson propounded the psychosocial stages of development to explain the personality formation at … Read more

Theories of Motivation

Introduction Motivation is a commonly used terminology which if understood as a psychological phenomena, can lead to the solution of many problems. Scholars have studied human behaviour and propounded various theories of motivation. In simple terms ; any goal seeking behaviour which tends to persist is called motivation. Behaviour is driven and pulled towards goals. … Read more

Psychoanalytic theory of personality

Introduction Several scholars have understood personality in their own way and tried to define it based on different criteria. Some have emphasized on the inner thought process resulting in a unique behaviour and some have emphasized the role of the external environment in shaping the behavior of a person. In this article we will discuss … Read more