Sampling in Social Work Research

Introduction Sampling is a crucial aspect of any research process hence it has to be planned as per the needs of the study. In social work research too it is a significant part which gives authentication to your research. The analysis and the accuracy of the research is determined by the appropriate sample size and … Read more

The Research Process in social work

Introduction In this article we will have an understanding of the steps of research process in social work. As a research is a systematic process, each step has to be carried out in sequence which makes the research scientific. So let us move on to the first step towards research process, that is: Problem Identification … Read more

Research in social work: An Introduction

In this article we will try to understand the basics of research in social work, by gaining an overview of few fundamental aspects of research. After reading this article you should be able to comprehend the following: Since it involves critical thinking it can be stated that it is “a process of actively and skillfully … Read more

8 Points to include in a Research Proposal

Introduction Want to do a research? Here are some of the key points you need to include while preparing a research proposal. These points are recommended to make your research proposal comprehensive and complete. So let’s take each point one by one. Problem Formulation This is the introductory part of your proposal. In this section … Read more