Supervision of social work field practicum: A distance learning model

This article was first published in Indian Journal of Open Learning, 2012 issue. Introduction Social work as a profession started during the later part of the nineteenth century inEurope and in U.S.A., and training in this field, as a fulltime program in different institutionsand universities started from the earlier part of the twentieth century. Charity … Read more

Residential school system: promoting female education through incentivisation

Introduction:  Education is a key component of human development besides economy and health. The Human Development Index of UNDP also has educational development as an indicator for human development. Governments across the globe have taken initiatives for alleviating the educational level of masses especially females, India being one among them. Several programs and policies have … Read more

Writing a Research Proposal: A Sample

A research proposal or synopsis is the first step towards applying for a doctoral or post doctoral study. In this post I will be sharing a sample research proposal which would give you an idea how a research proposal is developed. Gender Identity  and  perception of  gender based  violence: A study of   adolescent  girls … Read more

5 Approaches to social casework practice

Working with individual clients to help them solve their problems requires specific approaches based on the type of problem. Some of these approaches are discussed in detail in the following section. Problem solving approach This approach was propounded by HH Perlman in which the focus is to help individuals identify their own truth and take … Read more

Components of Social Casework

The casework process comprises various components. The components of casework have been termed as 4Ps by Perlman. The conceptual understanding of 4Ps helps a caseworker to understand the client in relation to his/her surroundings. These components are: Person Problem Place  Process  Person A person is an individual who comes to the agency seeking help as … Read more

5 theories supporting group work practice

Group work is a micro level practice of social work and comprises several technicalities which have evolved over a period of time. These techniques are guided by a certain theoretical knowledge base which is inherent to a social group. Some of the theories which guide group work practice are discussed below.  Psychoanalytic theory Psychoanalytic theory … Read more

Field practicum in social work in UGC model curriculum

In order to coordinate, regulate and maintain standards of university education in India, the UGC was formally established in 1956, as a statutory body of the Government of India through an Act of Parliament ( UGC has prepared a model curriculum for social work discipline to be followed by the institutions offering social work program. … Read more

Field practicum in social work education

Social work practicum or field work may be described as the practical use of classroom learning. It is an integral part of social work discipline at the undergraduate and post graduate levels. Along with a strong theoretical base the students need to have practical field experience of what they are learning in theory. It is … Read more

Development of social work Education in India

In developing countries like India qualified professionals have a major role to play in the social welfare and  development sector. History of social work profession can be traced from the efforts of Victorian reformers to remodel charity work as scientific philanthropy during the later part of nineteenth century. Initiatives taken  by  Octavia Hill through her … Read more